Thursday, July 21, 2011

Woah!!!!! Finally! The official music video of their new song Monster is now available in our country..
Last week, I was soo desperately waiting for this to be released knowing that in other place the trailer has been showed to public..I knew it when I used  to visit on their official website..

Anyway, no more bla bla blasss..Here's Monster by my one and only PAraMooore.. with their OFFICIAL

PARAMORE IS STILL A BAND!!! I wanted to tell you case you don't know..this is their 1st music video without the "Farro bothers".. still great indeed.. agree?? ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey guys! "here we go again" hehe..PARAMOOOORE :)
bla bla bla..

Yeah..I got this on their site..
this was the photoshoot ..the lates Los Angeles with Lindsey Byrnes
As I watch the vid, I can't avoid myselft but to compare it with other videos where "FARRO BROS" are still around.. so sad :(

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hey headbangerzz!! Paramore is back with their new song "Monster".
It was 1st heard last June 3 and  can be downloaded on iTunes the following days!
"Monster", inspired by the blockbuster movie "Transformer- The Dark Moon" ,as one of their soundtrack.

I got you the audio.. :)

The first time I heard this, I was like... "YEAH!!!"
Though the two good guys are gone.. Paramore is still great indeed..

And now, their awesome newborn "Monster"  is keep playing inside my head!
..Apparently, I always rape the replay button on you tube or on my mp3.

I know I am not alone who is looking forward to the music video for this another great piece from Paramore! :)